Many business owners come to us not knowing where to start with their digital marketing campaign. They want to jump into marketing but aren’t sure which weapons within the marketing arsenal will work the best:  search engine optimization, direct mail, social media marketing or if anything else is best.

In this situation, the place to start is with a detailed marketing plan. Just as when you’re taking a cross country journey by car, a roadmap also comes in handy when it comes to building your business.

Four Step Marketing has a straightforward marketing plan writing process. It starts with pre-consulting.


During pre-consulting we’ll listen to what you have to say about your business and ask pertinent questions regarding your goals and objectives. Afterwards, we’ll conduct relative research to help us ascertain which avenues will be the most effective to boost growth in sales for your specific business.

Marketing Plan Writing

After pre-consulting, we’ll get to work writing your marketing plan. It will include the proven Four Step Marketing method as well as other marketing ideas that will complement your business and your budget.

Post Consulting

After delivering your marketing plan, we’ll set up a post consulting session where we’ll thoroughly discuss your marketing campaign. We’ll also discuss whether you’d like Four Step Marketing to implement the steps recommended in your marketing plan or whether your in house marketing department will put the plan into action for you.

Get Started On Your Plan Today

The first step is free so call us today to learn more about how to get started on a marketing plan for your business. Call today to schedule your FREE 30 minute no obligation marketing plan consultation. Another option is to click on the Schedule Meeting button to schedule the appointment on our calendar.

We’re eager to write a plan that gives you all the marketing tools and strategies to take your business to greater heights.