Four Step Marketing is an expert at all things in internet marketing, so in addition to our search engine optimization, email marketing, pay per click marketing, social marketing, and website design services, we also offer a number of other internet marketing services that can dramatically build your business.

Just consider us a one stop shop for internet marketing services. You’ll recognize many of these services as part of step three of Four Step Marketing — the Marketing Arsenal


  • Amazon And EBay Marketing – By setting up your very own Amazon and EBay stores, we can get your products and services selling fast. Along with setting up stores that bring in sales and leads from these incredibly popular websites, we can also automate them so you spend your time working on your business instead of trying to figure out how to manage your stores.
  • Podcasting – There are millions of people on iTunes every day looking for help and information through podcasts. Four Step Marketing can help you create audio podcasts to upload to iTunes that establish you as an expert while also converting leads into prospects and customers.
  • Video Marketing – We have a number of video marketing options available for our clients, including setting up walk on spokespeople for your website, creating informative search engine optimized videos for your website or even creating viral videos for YouTube.
  • Affiliate Marketing – If your business does not have an affiliate marketing program, you’re missing out on a ton of potential sales that can come your way via an army of commission based salespeople. We have the knowhow to create affiliate marketing programs that attract experienced affiliate marketers that know how to market and can increase your revenues like crazy.
  • Marketing Automation – When it comes to marketing automation, we’re experts with various online automation tools.  Not only can we set up your software, but we can also train you how to use it in the most profitable way.
  • Microsite Marketing or Squeeze Page– Increase your sales by increasing the number of websites you have out there through microsite marketing or Squeeze Page Marketing.  We’ll help you build websites that generate traffic and leads for your business.
  • Content Marketing – The larger your website, the better the search engines will like it. Having a three page website just doesn’t cut it anymore. Three pages doesn’t always provide enough information for prospects and customers to make a buying decision, and it doesn’t usually give the search engines enough juice to rank it highly. With content marketing, we can turn your three page website into a 300 page website using strategies like blogging.


Increase Your Web Traffic

These are just a few of the other internet marketing services Four Step Marketing offers. To learn more, give us a call at our toll free number today. We’d like to speak to you and offer you a free no obligation 30 minute internet marketing consultation. For your convenience, click on the Schedule Meeting button to automatically schedule your appointment on our calendar!!

Increasing your sales is as easy as increasing your web traffic and Four Step Marketing has the experience and expertise to do just that.